Felda Investment Corporation Sdn Bhd

Felda Investment Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (“FIC”) is committed in maintaining a high standard of corporate governance (“CG”) practices within the Group and is devoted in identifying and formalising best practices. FIC’s objective is to adopt and implement the best practices in CG through robust commitment within the FIC Group of Companies.

The Board of Directors of FIC (“The Board”) recognizes the paramount importance of having  sound CG policies and practices towards the success of FIC Group. This is to ensure continuous and sustainable growth in the best interest of all its stakeholders. It sets the overall strategy and supervises the executive management and also oversees that adequate CG policies and practices are implemented within the Group. In the course of discharging its duties, the Board acts in good faith with due diligence in taking into consideration the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.

The Board supported by the relevant Sub-Committees have extensive knowledge and skilled expertise in the field of investment and corporate business.

In addition to the abovementioned Board Sub-Committees, the Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) and Whistleblowing Committee were set up under the supervision of the Board Governance, Risk and Audit Committee to ensure that good corporate governance practices are implemented within the Group and proper compliance procedures are followed.

Code of Conduct and Ethics

The Code of Conduct and Ethics (“CoCE”) contains detailed policy statements on the standards of good corporate behaviour, and it is every employee’s duty to ensure adherence to the highest ethical standards at FIC. As such, the CoCE serves as a common reference point to FIC common core values.

Felda Investment Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Anti-Corruption Plan (FICACP) 2022-2027

FICACP is a testament to our commitment in being corruption free and to instil integrity across the
organisation which is aimed to reach full swing by 2027.
FICACP is a testament to our commitment in being corruption free and to instil integrity across the organisation which is aimed to reach full swing by 2027.
The development of FICACP is in line with initiative 6.2.1 of the National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023. Launched on 1 December 2022, the FICACP outlines 49 action plans based on 4 priority areas which are Investment, Finance, Procurement and Corporate Governance.


The Whistleblowing Policy is designed to facilitate FIC Group’s employees and stakeholders to disclose any improper conduct within FIC Group, where matters raised are deliberated by the Whistleblowing Committee. Updates are provided on a regular basis to the BGRAC. To lodge a report, please fill in the

The Board of Directors

The primary role of the Board is to protect and enhance long-term shareholder value. It sets the overall strategy for the Group and supervises executive management. It also ensures that good corporate governance policies and practices are implemented within the Group. In the course of discharging its duties, the Board acts in good faith, with due diligence and care, and in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.
Day-to-day operations of the business of the Company are delegated to the management who is led by the Group Chief Executive Officer. They are being closely monitored by the Board and are accountable for the performance of the Company as measured against the corporate goals and business targets set by the Board.

Board Composition

The Board comprises of nine (9) members including the Chairman. The Board composition consists of 6 independent directors and 3 non-independent directors. The Directors are independent of the management and free from any business or other relationship that could materially interfere with the exercise of their independent judgment.

Board Committees

The Board delegates its powers and authorities from time to time to committees in order to ensure the operational efficiency and specific issues are being handled with relevant expertise. Three board committees have been established with each having specific duties and authorities as set out in their Terms of Reference (“TOR”).
The three FIC Board Committees are as follows:
In addition to the abovementioned Board Committees, the Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) and Whistleblowing Committee were set up under the supervision of the Board Governance, Risk and Audit Committee (“BGRAC”) to ensure that good corporate governance practices are implemented within the Group and proper compliance procedures are followed.

Key Internal Control Process

The Board maintains a sound system of internal control to safeguard shareholders’ investment and the Company’s assets. The effectiveness of the internal control system is reviewed at least annually by the BGRAC, covering all material controls including strategic, financial, operational and compliance controls as well as risk management systems.
The Company’s internal control is based on assessment of risk through a control-procedures-framework to manage risks and procedures for compliance monitoring.
The said internal control system is designed to meet FIC Group’s particular needs and has embedded process for the identification, evaluation and management of significant business risks. This process is reviewed and monitored by the Governance and Risk Management Division (“GRMD”). With this in place, the Company is able to evaluate the key risks including ethical matters and ensure that effective controls and procedures are in place to manage these risks.

Strictly Confidential

Whistleblowing Form

    A. Tell us about yourself

    B. Tell us about your concern(s)

    C. State your concern(s) as much detail as possible. Describe the events that happened and the dates on which they occurred:

    D. Do you have any documents, letters or other evidence in support of your concern?

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